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Personalized Glaucoma Treatment at VisionQuest Eyecare

VisionQuest Eyecare is Indiana’s source for exceptional glaucoma treatment and management. Our experienced glaucoma doctors use advanced technology to identify the various potential glaucoma causes and offer a personalized eye care experience.
glaucoma vision at VisionQuest

What Is Glaucoma?

Glaucoma is the term for a group of conditions caused by abnormally high intraocular pressure (IOP), which can damage a crucial part of your vision system, the optic nerve. Commonly known as “the silent thief of sight,” this condition is difficult to detect without specialized training and equipment, and the damage it causes to your optic nerve is irreversible. This makes it crucial to detect glaucoma symptoms early during a comprehensive eye exam — before your sight is threatened.

What Causes Glaucoma?

Unfortunately, glaucoma can occur without any causes, there are a few factors that increase the likelihood of developing high IOP and glaucoma symptoms:
  • Having a family history of glaucoma
  • Having hyperopia (farsightedness) or myopia (nearsightedness)
  • High blood pressure
  • Previous eye injuries or surgeries

How Do We Detect Glaucoma?

The team at VisionQuest Eyecare has the expertise and cutting-edge technology needed to manage your glaucoma and its symptoms. Our team will fully examine your eyes and personalize a glaucoma treatment plan for your specific vision needs.

doctor explain glaucoma at VisionQuest

Our Glaucoma Team

Our expert team of eye care professionals are here to help you navigate your glaucoma symptoms and treat your specific case. We’ll take the time to learn about you and your lifestyle and then tailor a glaucoma treatment plan to your exact needs.

Why Choose Us?

VisionQuest Eyecare is your home for world-class eye health and glaucoma treatment. Our expert team will constantly monitor your eyes with our incredible technology, which lets us see the earliest signs of glaucoma and helps us plan out how we’ll manage your condition and keep you seeing clearly.

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